Let’s meet the Leading Lady ambassadors for 2025!
The Leading Lady Ambassador Program is a mastermind group curated by me to bring together a select group of women entrepreneurs who excel in their fields and meet high standards of quality.
Leading Lady Ambassadors are innovators, creators, and visionaries dedicated to uplifting other women emotionally, financially, personally, professionally, spiritually, and physically. Their mission is to inspire, empower, and connect women in business and leadership.
In this episode, I’m introducing the 2025 ambassadors and sharing how they can empower you to change your life.
The world is fueled by competition, and that’s why I believe it’s so important to have women in your corner to mentor and encourage you!
In Today’s Episode We Discuss:
- What the Ambassador Program is and how it supports women in our community
- The many different ways ambassadors can mentor and encourage women in business
- Meet the 2025 ambassadors and what they specialize in
I hope you already have an idea of who you want to connect with! You can read more about the ambassadors at www.leadinglady-coaching.com or send me a message! I would love to connect you with one or more of these wonderful women!

Resources Mentioned:
Check out the ambassadors on my website
How We Can Connect:
Listen on Your Favorite Platform
Connect on Instagram
Connect on Facebook
Join The Leading Ladies Facebook Group
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